Sunday Classes Term 4/2024 Start Sunday, 20 October 2024
Classes available for children 5 years old and above
For further details please call 0499 800 838 or 0412 724 161
For online registration, please click the link below

Welcome to BTCL School
Buddharangsee Thai Community Language School Inc (BTCL School) is located in Sydney, Australia. BTCL offers Thai language, Thai Classical Music, and Thai Traditional Dance lessons for children in Sydney. The school operates every Sunday, during Summer school holidays (Monday – Friday) for 5 weeks, and other school breaks throughout the year. Furthermore, BTCL School also offers Thai language lessons for adults as well.
ยินดีต้อนรับเข้าสู่เว็บไซต์ของโรงเรียนภาษาไทยวัดพุทธรังษี (Buddharangsee Thai Community Language School Inc) หรือ BTCL School ซิดนีย์ ออสเตรเลีย ทางโรงเรียนฯ ได้เปิดทำการสอนภาษาไทย ดนตรี และนาฏศิลป์ไทย ให้กับลูกหลานของคนไทยในซิดนีย์ โดยทำการเปิดสอนทุกวันอาทิตย์ ช่วงปิดเทอมภาคฤดูร้อน (วันจันทร์-ศุกร์) เป็นเวลา 5 สัปดาห์ และระหว่างปิดภาคเรียนในแต่ละเทอมของนักเรียน นอกจากนี้ โรงเรียนฯ ยังมีชั้นสอนภาษาไทยสำหรับผู้ใหญ่ด้วย
School Classes & Projects
Our school provides varieties of classes and projects during the year
For more information, please click on the link below
Enrolment Fees for Classes & Projects
Adult Class
9 weeks
Via Online
Every SundayBeginners 1 pm – 2 pm Intermediate
11.30 am – 12.30 pm
Summer Project
5 weeks
Monday – Friday 9 am – 4 pm Before & After School Care Available
Special Project
2 weeks
April School Break 9 am - 4 pm Before & After School Care Available
October Program
2 weeks
October School Break 9 am - 4 pm Before & After School Care Available
Long-term vision for the best Thai Community Language School in Sydney
Years Experience
Buddharangsee Thai Community Language School Inc (BTCL School)
was established in 1991
Students Enrolment Each Term
BTCL School currently has up to 100 students enrolled each term
Why parents love our school
What parents say about school and we are proud of what we achieved
The BTCL school is not only a place for students to learn the language, music and dance, but it is also a place for parents to get together and to help our generation continue to grow and absorb Thai culture, a traditional way of life, gratitude and respect as Thai people.
I find BTCL School not only teaches the Thai language but also gives you the experiences of Thai culture. The school reminds me of when I studied in Thailand. The students all line up in the morning to show respect for the Thai national anthem then pray to the buddha before entering the class. The school support students to be punctual, respect and confident. I can hardly find any place in Sydney that offer Thai musical instrument and Thai dance class. BTCL is the best choice I made for my daughter. All teachers can speak Thai and English fluently, so there’s no doubt for them to teach anyone with no Thai language skill.
I’ve been attending adult Thai class at Buddharangsee Thai Community Language (BTCL) School for a few years, at first in person and more recently (because of COVID lockdown) on-line. The classes are very good and are helpful I think to everyone – those who want to go at a fast pace and those who want more sedate pacing; to beginners and to those who are quite proficient. They are also very friendly and it is good to meet up with others who share similar interests. I commend BTCL School very highly